Frequent Flyer (1996)
poster Frequent Flyer
IMDb Rating:
5.8/10 (334 votes)

Country:United States, 92 minutes

Spoken languages:English


Director(s):Alan Metzger

Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 207

Drama about airline pilot who is married to two separate women in separate towns and who eventually takes on a third wife. Much to his dismay, the separate worlds he lives in begin to collide, and the truth of his womanizing and b...


photo Jack Wagner
Jack Wagner Nick Rawlings
photo Shelley Hack
Shelley Hack JoBeth Rawlings
photo Nicole Eggert
Nicole Eggert Miriam Rawlings
photo Joan Severance
Joan Severance Alison Rawlings
photo Elizabeth Ruscio
Elizabeth Ruscio Pat Kelsey

Medium: Unknown,

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: Unknown